Thursday, December 4, 2008

basically iloveyou.♥.

so right now im currently at school, staying after to help out with the grade 8's open house, and im sewing. ha, i pracially think im a loser.
but im here with my friends, and i was trying to get on facebook, but i couldnt so i was thinking.. hmmmmmm i think i should go on blogger.
Havent been on here in like life. my teacher is like leaving right now so me and my friends are here by ourselfs.
Im waiting for my friend hayley and ailish to come, but idk, im having fun.

currently i'm not too sure on who i like, im kind of confused but i think a like someone.
i cant wait and i mean i CANT wait to see Twilight, that movie is like LIFE!
ill try to come on latter, but im not soo sure.
ttyl. byyee♥ xox.Stephaniiie.

song of the day;
do ya - mcfly.

quote of the day;
i dont want to be the most beautiful girl in the world.
i just want to be the most beautiful girl for you
i dont want to be the only one in the world
i just want to be the only one for you.

picture of the day;
art or photography Pictures, Images and Photos

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