Friday, February 20, 2009

All the small town people with their big remarks, they aint got jack to say about my movie star.

kay so yeah, i havent writen in on here for a while.
and im sorry for all my readers.

so basically my life so far.
has be OMG utterly weird.
i became goodfriends with a guy named Doug, he's a cutie, but i dont want him.
my bestfriend autumn does [;.
anyways, started semester two, first semester was pretty good, i only had one exam, soo that means this semester have like 4, but i only have to come in 3 days.
OHJESUS! me and my friend Hayley have been playing bloody knuckles in french class, boy-oh-boy, i never thought it would get addicting.
I have a lot of people dieing on me now? its horrible, it just want to be like KAYSTOP!, i love you dont leave.
but it just doesnt work.
Michelle is still my bestmate(L).
SO OMG GUYS!, i [ if im lucky ] will be getting braces before march break.
i think so.
you'd probably think im crazy, but whatever, i hate my teeth Cx

i dont know where my love life is going actually
no lie about that.
Autumn, and Doug want me to hook up with Stokes(alex) but i dont really know him D:
and i just really dont know.

my dad moved.
yeah its pretty gay, cause like yeah he moved like 2349758936806348 miles away,
kay well really not that far away but still, ill like never see him.
which is heartbreaking, i love my father to death.

SOOOOO back to my post before this one, that day was pretttty fun not gonna lie.
BUT my birthday wasnt soo good, i ended up sick.
LIKE COME ON?! on my birthday,
even tho i hate the day doesnt mean i deserve that right?

lately man, i went to a dance on thursday night,
had a great time.
lost my voice.
sucked sooo bad.
so i stayed home from school friday [ yesterday ]
those thinger at the back of your throat,
dont know what they are callled but anyways,
one is bigger then the other.
like PLEASE go down, so it doesnt hurt to swallow anymore.

lmao so my mom walked in my room yesterday, at like hmm i dont know 11;30pm
because i think that the taste in 5 gum stays longer then in stride, so she gave me a piece of 5 and stride to see which one last longer.
i've been eating the 5 one since then till now,
and the taste is still reall strong.

JAKERS (L) my love.
manohman, i got in a fight with him thursday and he made me cry so hard.
but now i realized that if i lost him, i'd like DIE.
love the kid.
bestfriends alltheway.
but TJ its my numberone guy bestfriend.
then jakers [;

Song Of The Week;
Cant Break Through - Busted

Quote Of The Week;
The summer air is here so get your dress on and dance around like no one cares - no one can touch us - sing it loud.

Photo Of The Week;
perspective Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, January 10, 2009

its hard to love you from the signs i get from you..

well today im hanging with my best mate Michelle.
we are gonna be hanging with my mates Jordan and Tyler but they have gone to see a film right now.
Tomorrow is my gay birthday, im not excited, im hoping it doesnt come actually.
i dont understand why people get all excited for birthdays, its just another day, nothing speical about it, wow you change your age, big whoop.
So i made a new mate, he's really utterly adorable. thought i would share that.
Exams are coming up, i only have one cause im that special. Yeahh thats right, im happy for that, i didnt hand in my summative for health so im getting marks tooken away. Meh life sucks on that behave.
well imma go make some tastey food.

Song of the day;
I Should Have Known Better - the Beatles.

Quote of the day;
you dont love someone because of their looks, or their clothes, or their car. You love them because they sing a song that nobody else but you understand
from Night World; Secret Vampire.

Photo of the day;
Raining on My Head Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, December 4, 2008

basically iloveyou.♥.

so right now im currently at school, staying after to help out with the grade 8's open house, and im sewing. ha, i pracially think im a loser.
but im here with my friends, and i was trying to get on facebook, but i couldnt so i was thinking.. hmmmmmm i think i should go on blogger.
Havent been on here in like life. my teacher is like leaving right now so me and my friends are here by ourselfs.
Im waiting for my friend hayley and ailish to come, but idk, im having fun.

currently i'm not too sure on who i like, im kind of confused but i think a like someone.
i cant wait and i mean i CANT wait to see Twilight, that movie is like LIFE!
ill try to come on latter, but im not soo sure.
ttyl. byyee♥ xox.Stephaniiie.

song of the day;
do ya - mcfly.

quote of the day;
i dont want to be the most beautiful girl in the world.
i just want to be the most beautiful girl for you
i dont want to be the only one in the world
i just want to be the only one for you.

picture of the day;
art or photography Pictures, Images and Photos

Saturday, August 16, 2008

her wildest dreams.

so im gonna try and keep doing this everyday.
but yeah.
i get busy so sorry. :P
anyways. ahhh i have school sooon!, i dont want summer to be over,
but there is an end to everything
anyways STEVE is in the hospital, he wasnt getting blood to his brain and heart
which in his case SUCKS ass!, but he is getttting blood there noow, but he isnt coming home till sunday.
so yeah my mother is realllly upset, *sigh*.
Oh JOY, taryn's boyfriends upp, he's totally cool dont get me wrong, just like URGH, they dont leave eachothers side.
soo i totally havent slept all night
yeah, i couldnt.
haha :P

song of the day;
favourite arcade - hello kelly

quote of the day;
because every sixty seconds you spend
upset is a minute of happiness
you'll never get back. - unknown

picture of the day;

Thursday, July 10, 2008


well im think about writting a book, yeah i know sounds kinda weird, and stupid but i think it would be pretty fun and interesting.
i've already writting chapter 3, well some of it.
im gonna post it.
tell me what you think

Lexiie and Melissa have been bestfriends for a LONG time. And Lexiie has to move again. So her mom is looking at this house out in Pefferlaw where Melissa lives. Her mom end’s up buying the house, and Lexiie and Melissa are really happy about it. One day on a Saturday Melissa and her boyfriend Christian come over to Lexiie’s house, totally unexpected, Lexiie lets them in and they hang out for a bit, just randomly talking, and hearing about the new stuff in each other’s lives. Then outta nowhere Melissa and Christian start making out and Lexiie has nothing to do. “ Kay, you guys! Wtf, where’s my boyfriend!?*sniff**tear*” said Lexiie. Melissa stopped making out with christian and starts laughing, Lexiie and Christian join in.

Then the door bell rings, and Lexiie goes to answer it. She open’s the door and was shocked at what she sees. It’s Christian’s hot friend Keegan. So Lexiie lets him and he follows her. They go and sit on the couch across from Melissa and Christian. “Dude I didn’t even think you were gonna show up, good to see you bro.” Christian said “Yo dude, yeah I told you I was gonna come” Keegan said. Lexiie and Melissa just brusted out laughing, Christian and Keegan just looked at them weird.

Then Melissa and Christian were at it again! Lexiie and Keegan just looked at each other and started laughing. “So what do you want to do?” said Lexiie “Well we could talk, or make out. It’s up to you” Keegan said. Lexiie just bursted out laughing, “Whatever you prefer, I don’t mind.” Lexiie giggled. “Well I’m thinking that I would prefer to make out then to just talk, so I guess were gonna make out.” Keegan applied “Okay, I guess we know what were gonna do then.” Lexiie replied. Then Keegan took Lexiie’s face in his hands and kissed her lightly at first, then he started kissing her harder and then they just went at it.

Melissa and Christian stopped and stared at Lexiie and Keegan with confusion. Lexiie got the feeling that she was being watched so she pulled away slowly. Then turned to look at Melissa and Christian. She didn’t realize that she had gotten so close to Keegan when she was making out with him, she was practically sitting on his lap, she started giggling, then asked why there were staring at them. “ What were you guys doing?” Asked Melissa “making out.” Keegan replied.
Lexiie wasn’t looking at Keegan but she could hear say it with happiness, she wasn’t complaining.

Then they all just started talking again, and outta no where Keegan asked Lexiie out, and she said yes. So she got what she wanted, and that made her happy. Melissa could tell that Lexiie was happy and that made her smile towards her bestfriend.

Monday, June 9, 2008

feeeling totally better.

well yesterday i was talking to kyle and he told me that he liked me as a friend only, and i was like; yeah i know, then he was like; were kool right? and i was like; yeah i knew you did so yeah.
then we started talking and we made plans, but when he told me he only liked me as a friend it was really weird because i felt soo better then i did before, i finally found out that i didnt like him anymore. which is such a releif, haha anyways. me and him were talking and i was like i wanna go play in the rain and he said he did too so i was like the do it he was like k im gone then i was like kkay me too,

i ran outside and it wasnt really ranning anymore ): sigh, anyways, so i ran down to the lake and ran into it C: it was warm. then i came back and he was like you back yet i was like mhm, i ran down to the lake C: and he waas like sweet, i went on my trampoline and bounce then slipped and fell off, i was like hahahahah , i mean poor kyle ): lmfao

then me and laura got talking and she was telling me about this boy (; and showed me some pictures, he's pretty cute (;! lmfao, but he's all her's, i called dibs on this really hot boy we always see C:, goo me (: lmao.

This weekend im going swimming with laura lauren and kyle. its gonna be JOY C:
last weekend i went swimming with laura lauren jordan and tyler, it was pretty fun, but i was pissed at jordan the whole time.
Then at like 8 or 9 we go into a fight *sigh*
but now were all good.

im soo excited because my grad trip is in a week C:, can't wait!
then my graduation is in two weeks and a day! C:!



Wednesday, April 16, 2008



when your done making the sign
send it too;
please and thank you

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