Wednesday, April 9, 2008

wtf :(

okay so yesterday me and laura brought in pop & water,
then just went outside instead of going to girls inc, because there was really no point of going anyways, so we went and hung with the grade sevens :),
anyways, we hung with kyle, jordan, nigle, nate, gorgiee, amber, lauren(kinda), dannii, aidan,
and other people, cant remember:P
anyways, they were playing with balls, and me and laura were hanging with Jordan, then amber came, with a slushie, of corse i got the last bit, like always :D,
then we went inside, and did our cbc, then our regular programs,
THEN me and laura worked after school at the junior boys basketball and we got Jordan and Kyle to stay and watch :),
they helped out at the conssion stand
then mr. teal, geh ass teacher came out, and kicked them out
like wtf,
it was SOOO MEAN!,
they might come tonight because Mr. Stupid Teal isnt gonna be there, and if he is they are staying on the stage so HE cant kick the out!

pshhh, i so dont like mr .teal!

anyways, ill
write tonight
maybe :P

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