Wednesday, February 13, 2008

wow, this was one day that ill never forget!

wow. i havent wroten in here for a while. well anywho, getting to my day.
i went to school then again i always do.
But we had to get these needles and omg do they hurt!. so that happened at like the END of music class.
and omfg it was PAINFUL. my arm still hurts :.
and then me and my friend emily finished our math and we didnt want to play cards so we just went and started looking at things from underneath a microscope.
man that was funn!.
but anyways at lunch she didnt want her pop so she gave it to me and like me i usually take the tab off and put it in my pop. so i did that.
and omg am i NEVER doing that again.
i swallowed the tab :.
and then i called home and steve wanted to come and get me just incase. so i said okay. can argue with that.
so i was in the office and my friend montana was doing office duty. and i was shredding paper. just to make the time pass by faster.
it was entertaining.
well when i got home i cleaned my room didnt have anything better to do.
then i went on msn and talked to my friend austin told him what happened and he laughed at me.
then again my own mom laughed at me :.
then i told kady and she said yet again another thing only stephanie would do.
just because yesterday i ran into a table.
it hurt really bad too!
but anywhoo!.
ill write in here laterr!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Well Today is just Another day.

Today was pretty fun, me and my friend Devon got into a fight.
But we talked threw it. Today was stressful.

and i dont know why.
too many things on my mind i guess... Well my throat has been hurtting and i dont know why :S.
im probably getting sick.
Today we went to Pancake tuesday at the Knox Chruch, it was pretty fun :P.

When we came back it was recess and i was working in the office today. :D.
i had fun.
Then after rescess it was French and these guys in my class Denver and Kyle got into a fight.
Denver punch Kyle in the face..

it was interesting :P
Then we had this thing that my friends were doing after lunch, and my team won the first game thing and got gummie bears :D. and then who ever finished the wordsearch would get five and i finished both, i got eleven :D.
then after school it was girl's inc.
i wanted to get to Black River really fast because i promised Garrett i would get there so i could talk to him,
when i got there he was there and i was happy ( btw, i like this boy :) )

Then when we were just about to leave i got a hug from him, and it made my day because i was so stressed out that it just made everything better :D.

well thats all i can think of right now.
ill write tomorrow.


Monday, February 4, 2008

well im sitting on the computer.
listening to music
and kinda in pain.
but ill be alright.
from friday on i sleep over at cassie's and had a BLAST!.
so much fun.
we partied.:P
and well i dont want to go to school now.
my stomach hurts, i feel like im going to puke, but im still going to school.

yes, when it comes to things like this i tend to put up with it.
got some good books to read, im happy about that :P.

wow, i sound like such a dork, Garrett says im not thoo :P.

well im going to get read for school. :.

promise to write about my day later !

Friday, February 1, 2008

just another wonderful day.. not going to end :D

well i went shopping this morning.
we didnt go to toronto because of the weather. So we went to the mall.:D

i got new stuff that i LOVE!:D.
and i might be going to Cassie's tonight till sunday :D.
well i dont know if i am or not. because my mom has to call her friends :P.

right now, im wearing my new jeans, new t-shirt, and new sweater. :D.
i love them!.
i miss my friend Josh from my old school. Me and him were like BAM always together.
like brother and sister.!

i just cant wait to hang with him again.
omg im uber excited i get my movie tonight :D:D:D:D.
Across The Universe.
man i've been waiting so long.

and we get alivn and the chipmunks :D:D:D.
wellll im going to write in here tomorrow.
or later on tonight..
i guess your just gonna have to wait and see ! :P;):)


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