Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Well Today is just Another day.

Today was pretty fun, me and my friend Devon got into a fight.
But we talked threw it. Today was stressful.

and i dont know why.
too many things on my mind i guess... Well my throat has been hurtting and i dont know why :S.
im probably getting sick.
Today we went to Pancake tuesday at the Knox Chruch, it was pretty fun :P.

When we came back it was recess and i was working in the office today. :D.
i had fun.
Then after rescess it was French and these guys in my class Denver and Kyle got into a fight.
Denver punch Kyle in the face..

it was interesting :P
Then we had this thing that my friends were doing after lunch, and my team won the first game thing and got gummie bears :D. and then who ever finished the wordsearch would get five and i finished both, i got eleven :D.
then after school it was girl's inc.
i wanted to get to Black River really fast because i promised Garrett i would get there so i could talk to him,
when i got there he was there and i was happy ( btw, i like this boy :) )

Then when we were just about to leave i got a hug from him, and it made my day because i was so stressed out that it just made everything better :D.

well thats all i can think of right now.
ill write tomorrow.


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